
Eci objem

Descriptions of the main types of events

At ZEOS, we are aware of the importance of raising the awareness of end consumers, which is why we have been devoting a lot of attention and resources to it since the beginning of our operations. We carry out carefully planned actions and events throughout the country, and in their implementation we connect with many stakeholders, such as: local communities, schools, kindergartens, retailers, EEE producers, state and local media, providers of local public waste management services, etc.

Predaja zbiralnikov

Official handover of e-waste collection infrastructure and re-use corners

Po Sloveniji vzpostavljamo mrežo zbiralnikov za oddajo e-odpadkov in mrežo kotičkov za ponovno uporabo še delujočih aparatov. Ob postavitvi novih lokacij imamo navado organizirati manjši lokalni dogodek, na katerem infrastrukturo tudi uradno predamo v uporabo. Prisotni so predstavniki lokalnega komunalnega podjetja in občin. Na dogodke so vabljeni lokalni mediji, ki se vedno radi odzovejo in sporočilo o novi pridobitvi delijo s svojimi bralci/poslušalci.Around Slovenia, we are establishing a network of containers for the disposal of e-waste and a network of re-use corners for collection of still operational appliances. When setting up new locations, we have a habit of organizing a small local event, at which the infrastructure is officially handed over into use to the local partner. Representatives of the local utility company and municipalities are present. Local media are invited to the events, who are always happy to respond and share the message of the new acquisition with their readers / listeners.

E-transformer 20

E-transformer 2.0 on the go

The traveling classroom E-transformer 2.0 is intended to show the importance of the elements of the circular economy in practice. On the vehicle, visitors can watch a short animated video about the circular economy and other interesting video content, a museum of appliances of our recent and distant past, they can try out some archaic appliances in practice, they can play retro computer games from the last century and participate in short interactive workshops with important information on why and how to extend the life of appliances. At certain stops of our awareness vehicle, visitors can even repair their small appliances, which need minor repairs.

With the vehicle we visit educational institutions across the country and various local and regional traditional events.

Eko delavnica

Workshops for educational institutions

We conduct educational workshops on circular economy in schools for individual classes. At the event, participants get acquainted with all collection and recycling groups of e-waste and waste batteries and why it is important that e-waste and waste batteries are recycled. They also get more information about other elements of the circular economy. They get to know the locations for the disposal of waste and still operating equipment and some other ways of proper handling of e-equipment.

Dogodek na stojnici

Awareness-raising activities at the stand

Traditional events in the local environment are well attended, so we like to participate in them, where we have the opportunity to present our services to the local population. At each event, our informants perform various fun and educational activities with the following props: e-bike - a stationary bike that produces electricity, e-maze - a test of manual dexterity, photo booth - photography with a mascot ECI, telephone on the dial, which actually works etc. In this way, we attract more visitors to our stand, where we then present all the possibilities of handling the devices.


Exchange office of still operating appliances

We carry out exchanges of still operating devices alone or together with other organizations. At the events, we offer the opportunity to local residents to exchange their still working devices or they can choose one from the stand. At major events, there is also a service technician who inspects the devices and advises on how to use them to keep them running for as long as possible.

Start-up delavnica

Start-up events

We organize such events or participate in programs to find new startups with an innovative idea or product that do not otherwise exist elsewhere in the market. They differ from other companies in that they research new business models and try to penetrate new markets. They are an important target group, that is why we focus on environmentally oriented and innovative companies and young entrepreneurs who are trying to succeed with an innovative idea or product.

Mobilno zbiranje

Mobile collection

Together with local partners, we organize mobile collection activities of non-functioning and still operating devices. We travel to pre-agreed locations at times, known to citizens at least a week before the event, with a mobile collector. In this way, we offer all those citizens who have no other option to  handover their appliances, the opportunity to dispose of electronics that they no longer need.

Zbiralna akcija Rdeči noski

Collection campaign for still operating and non-operating appliances

In order to achieve a greater effect in the collection of old appliances, we sometimes organize a smaller or larger collection campaign of non-functioning as well as still operating appliances. In a local environment, we connect with schools, the media and other organizations that collect devices in groups, often competing with each other for prizes. This is how all the inhabitants of the region find out about our activities.

Strokovna konferenca

Professional conference, professional workshop

In order to share our experiences with others and gain experience from others, we organize professional conferences and workshops for target groups.